Monday, May 28, 2012

Thank you to our troops

Today is Memorial Day and a day to remember the troops that never came home from over seas. I am greatful for them for sacrificing their lives to keep us free. Thank you!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cool weather and gardening

I love the outdoors. If I could I would live in a cabin in the woods away from everyone and raise my own food and meat. So when J's grandmother asked me to watch her cabin I jumped on it. It is a beautiful place here. Ponderosa pines, 6 small gardens, chickens, and no one to bother me. I didn't realize how much work it would be though. Since it is Arizona and it is so dry the gardens grass, and everything in between has to be watered everyday. When I had planned on coming up here I figued it would take a little of my time and I would be able to fish the rest of the day or go for hikes. BOY WAS I WRONG! The gardens are just starting out so they each need to be watered at least an hour each and their dogs get very lonely if left alone for a long time. SO for the past 4 days I have been a slave to the gardens. I do admit though, they are coming long nice and it is rewarding to see everything sprout and green up around here. Tomorrow my husband will be up here with his aunt as well. It is his birthday weekend so we are going to try and enjoy ourselves before we have to go back. He didn't want to come because he loves it up here too and when he leaves he gets sad. I do too but I don't have to go back to the daily grind of work. I just have to deal with the munchkins. So I am hoping that while he is up here with me fishing might happen or even a little hiking. On that note I better go check the garden and move the water to the trees. Adios!