Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer + CAMPING

When Summer hits we love to hit the outdoors. Most of the time it involves a trip to the cooler climates and higher elevation of Arizona. Our favorite spot is called Bear Canyon Lake and is located on the Mogollon Rim! We have been going there since our honeymoon, and that's where we spent most of it too! The reason we love it so much is it's just beautiful and also a free campground.

This year we went for the longest we have ever gone. 10 DAYS!We were warned of bears in the area. We knew it was bound to happen seeing as the name is Bear canyon. This year though, bears were attacking campers so we were very cautious. All of our food stayed in our truck and every night before going to bed we changed our clothes into something we had not eaten in. Believe me, it can get hard trying to keep a pair of clothes free of food smells when all you want to do is get up in the morning and not change and start cooking lol. 

So at 7 AM on Friday we set off to the woods. Our truck packed to the max with everything we needed, or thought we would need. We got to the campground and found that the camp site we had last year was open so we took it! not to close to the bathrooms but not far enough that you didn't want to walk to them in the middle of the night.

Our camp site

We managed to find a wonderful family that was camping for a whole week and we became very good friends fast. They welcomed us like we were a second family and even let us move closer to them so we didn't feel unsafe. With all the bears and a very odd encounter with another camper it made us feel so much safer. 

Unfortunately  since it is monsoon season we did get rain, but with the rain came the lift of fire restrictions and we were able to have a camp fire 4 days into our trip. It was so nice to be able to sit next to a fire at night and look at the stars when there were not any clouds in the way. We didn't catch any fish on our trip but we did have a blast trying and being able to spend some quality time with each other!