Monday, August 6, 2012

♥♥The Olympics♥♥

I am OBSESSED with the Olympics! I have been glued to my TV as much as I could be since it has started. I don't know if it's just the pure joy of someone winning a medal for being the best or if it's just cause I want us to just plain kick ass! Whatever it is i am just glued to the screen!

First Day of Kindergarten!

                                                  My Princess on her first day of school!

Today was a bittersweet day. My little girl started Kindergarten!  Last night she was so happy and so excited to start a new school ( last year she went to half day preschool) and make new friends. Today she felt so excited to go back to school and explore new things. She was up bright and early and was ready faster then I was. I of course was dragging since I am not a morning person.  

                                                                  Bento Box Love!!

The night before we made her lunch and put it in her bento box that her Aunt let her use. If you don't know what a Bento box is, it is a small lunchbox the Japanese use for their lunches. It can have between two and five small compartments to put food into. We filled hers with a sandwich in the shape of the box, graham crackers, tomatoes, and strawberries. She was thrilled to help make her first lunch.  We packed it up and put it in the fridge to get cold overnight.

                                                                    In her classroom

We got to school and got into her classroom and she was doing great until other kids into the classroom. Upon realizing she wasn't with her old friends she had a complete meltdown and decided she wasn't going to school and that was it. I had told her if she stayed in class just one day and got a feel for it she just might like it. She said ok but then decided she was not going to talk to anyone since she didn't need anymore friends.  After 4 minutes of talking to her it was time for me to go and the waterworks started for both her and I. Just seeing that my little girl is growing up and is now going to school all day I lost it before I made it out the double doors of the hallway. It made me feel a little better knowing I wasn't the only parent sad to see their child grow more independent. 

She was able to take the bus home from school and that was apparently the most exciting thing EVER!!!!!!! (her words not mine!) she was so excited that she almost forgot to get off the bus at her stop. Luckly, daddy was there to save the day!!!! Once she got off she was a little chatterbox and is so happy to go back tomorrow!