Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Another reason why this month is so near and dear to me is because it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I never really cared so much about it until I had friends who are close get it. The one who touched my heart the most is a friend of my husbands family. She found a lump and decided a double mastectomy was the best  way to treat it. She wasn't going in it alone though, because she had her son helping her along the way. He was only 12 at the time but he stepped up and helped his mom with everything he could. I wanted to do something for her and decided getting a tattoo would be a start. I had seen on a t-shirt somewhere that had boxing gloves dangling from the ribbon and it had said," Fight like A Girl." (kind of like the picture below) So i wanted to incorporate boxing gloves into it because I thought it was appropriate. 

I must say that although it hurt I don't think the pain of a little bit of ink going into my skin could ever compare to the pain that our friend had to go through. 

So for any woman out there I ask that you please check yourself every month and if you ever feel anything please go see your doctor. You never know what it could be. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

October Is Finally Here!

Oh how I love October. The leaves start to change ( not so much in the valley but in higher elevations of Arizona), it gets darker, and best of all HALLOWEEN! I am a sucker for Halloween and love everything about it. From the decorating of the pumpkins to the decorations. I  try and go all out every year but I lost all of my decorations so we are starting fresh. The kids and I already decorated our front door. I would love to show a picture but my husband has claimed my SD card for my camera and filled it up with random things.

The kids even get into the spirit with me and we start discussing possible costumes in July. This year bubba wants to be a superhero and Seneca wants to be a princess AGAIN! I'm hoping she will change her mind again like she does every year. My sister-in-law will be dressing up as life and hending out lemon flavored candy to the kids. I am not sure I will be dressing up this year since I have been putting off thinking of a costume.  My roommate will be joining us again this year as we venture out to my In-laws house to get the awesome candy! I just hope I can convince him or my hubby to pull the kids in the wagon this year because I was hurting last year.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

lack of posting anything

I have a tendency to forget to do stuff and blogging is one of them. With having 2 kids it always goes in the back of my mind. I will try to post more

Monday, August 6, 2012

♥♥The Olympics♥♥

I am OBSESSED with the Olympics! I have been glued to my TV as much as I could be since it has started. I don't know if it's just the pure joy of someone winning a medal for being the best or if it's just cause I want us to just plain kick ass! Whatever it is i am just glued to the screen!

First Day of Kindergarten!

                                                  My Princess on her first day of school!

Today was a bittersweet day. My little girl started Kindergarten!  Last night she was so happy and so excited to start a new school ( last year she went to half day preschool) and make new friends. Today she felt so excited to go back to school and explore new things. She was up bright and early and was ready faster then I was. I of course was dragging since I am not a morning person.  

                                                                  Bento Box Love!!

The night before we made her lunch and put it in her bento box that her Aunt let her use. If you don't know what a Bento box is, it is a small lunchbox the Japanese use for their lunches. It can have between two and five small compartments to put food into. We filled hers with a sandwich in the shape of the box, graham crackers, tomatoes, and strawberries. She was thrilled to help make her first lunch.  We packed it up and put it in the fridge to get cold overnight.

                                                                    In her classroom

We got to school and got into her classroom and she was doing great until other kids into the classroom. Upon realizing she wasn't with her old friends she had a complete meltdown and decided she wasn't going to school and that was it. I had told her if she stayed in class just one day and got a feel for it she just might like it. She said ok but then decided she was not going to talk to anyone since she didn't need anymore friends.  After 4 minutes of talking to her it was time for me to go and the waterworks started for both her and I. Just seeing that my little girl is growing up and is now going to school all day I lost it before I made it out the double doors of the hallway. It made me feel a little better knowing I wasn't the only parent sad to see their child grow more independent. 

She was able to take the bus home from school and that was apparently the most exciting thing EVER!!!!!!! (her words not mine!) she was so excited that she almost forgot to get off the bus at her stop. Luckly, daddy was there to save the day!!!! Once she got off she was a little chatterbox and is so happy to go back tomorrow!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer + CAMPING

When Summer hits we love to hit the outdoors. Most of the time it involves a trip to the cooler climates and higher elevation of Arizona. Our favorite spot is called Bear Canyon Lake and is located on the Mogollon Rim! We have been going there since our honeymoon, and that's where we spent most of it too! The reason we love it so much is it's just beautiful and also a free campground.

This year we went for the longest we have ever gone. 10 DAYS!We were warned of bears in the area. We knew it was bound to happen seeing as the name is Bear canyon. This year though, bears were attacking campers so we were very cautious. All of our food stayed in our truck and every night before going to bed we changed our clothes into something we had not eaten in. Believe me, it can get hard trying to keep a pair of clothes free of food smells when all you want to do is get up in the morning and not change and start cooking lol. 

So at 7 AM on Friday we set off to the woods. Our truck packed to the max with everything we needed, or thought we would need. We got to the campground and found that the camp site we had last year was open so we took it! not to close to the bathrooms but not far enough that you didn't want to walk to them in the middle of the night.

Our camp site

We managed to find a wonderful family that was camping for a whole week and we became very good friends fast. They welcomed us like we were a second family and even let us move closer to them so we didn't feel unsafe. With all the bears and a very odd encounter with another camper it made us feel so much safer. 

Unfortunately  since it is monsoon season we did get rain, but with the rain came the lift of fire restrictions and we were able to have a camp fire 4 days into our trip. It was so nice to be able to sit next to a fire at night and look at the stars when there were not any clouds in the way. We didn't catch any fish on our trip but we did have a blast trying and being able to spend some quality time with each other!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Thank you to our troops

Today is Memorial Day and a day to remember the troops that never came home from over seas. I am greatful for them for sacrificing their lives to keep us free. Thank you!