Monday, October 1, 2012

October Is Finally Here!

Oh how I love October. The leaves start to change ( not so much in the valley but in higher elevations of Arizona), it gets darker, and best of all HALLOWEEN! I am a sucker for Halloween and love everything about it. From the decorating of the pumpkins to the decorations. I  try and go all out every year but I lost all of my decorations so we are starting fresh. The kids and I already decorated our front door. I would love to show a picture but my husband has claimed my SD card for my camera and filled it up with random things.

The kids even get into the spirit with me and we start discussing possible costumes in July. This year bubba wants to be a superhero and Seneca wants to be a princess AGAIN! I'm hoping she will change her mind again like she does every year. My sister-in-law will be dressing up as life and hending out lemon flavored candy to the kids. I am not sure I will be dressing up this year since I have been putting off thinking of a costume.  My roommate will be joining us again this year as we venture out to my In-laws house to get the awesome candy! I just hope I can convince him or my hubby to pull the kids in the wagon this year because I was hurting last year.

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