Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Another reason why this month is so near and dear to me is because it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I never really cared so much about it until I had friends who are close get it. The one who touched my heart the most is a friend of my husbands family. She found a lump and decided a double mastectomy was the best  way to treat it. She wasn't going in it alone though, because she had her son helping her along the way. He was only 12 at the time but he stepped up and helped his mom with everything he could. I wanted to do something for her and decided getting a tattoo would be a start. I had seen on a t-shirt somewhere that had boxing gloves dangling from the ribbon and it had said," Fight like A Girl." (kind of like the picture below) So i wanted to incorporate boxing gloves into it because I thought it was appropriate. 

I must say that although it hurt I don't think the pain of a little bit of ink going into my skin could ever compare to the pain that our friend had to go through. 

So for any woman out there I ask that you please check yourself every month and if you ever feel anything please go see your doctor. You never know what it could be. 

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